Purchase & Shipping
How do you place an order?
We send parcels by postexpress.
Do we ship abroad?
For the time being, it is for the territory of Serbia.
How do I pay for the ordered goods?
You pay for the goods on delivery.
How long will it take for my package to arrive?
The package arrives at your address in two to four working days.
How can I cancel or change my order?
If you would like to change or cancel your order, please send us an e-mail.
Email: [email protected]
About our products
Are the products really natural?
All our products are made from natural ingredients: cold-pressed oils, essential oils, herbs, beeswax, honey... We do not use anything that would harm your skin.
Are anti-wrinkle products related to a certain age?
No, both cream and serum, due to the ingredients they contain, regulate the production of sebum of the skin and accelerate the circulation of the face, and the skin becomes elastic and less prone to the formation of wrinkles, and the existing ones can be alleviated.
What is the advantage of natural soaps over commercial soaps?
Commercial soaps contain a very small percentage of oil, mostly artificial fragrances and a number of additives are used. They are actually a combination of detergents, while natural soaps are made exclusively from oils with the addition of essential oils, they are mild, creamy, do not dry out the skin.
Does deodorant protect against odors?
Yes, deodorant protects against unpleasant odors due to the presence of baking soda in it. We use only purified baking soda, so our deodorant does not have aluminum, which is found in most commercial deodorants, and which has been linked to breast cancer.
Do you make products according to the special wishes of customers?
We can meet the needs of our customers and make a product for them according to their wishes. It's mostly a modification of our existing products. For example, we add other essential oils and the like.